With this in mind, the goal of Der Grüne Weg in Germany is to further expand and advance the market for organic products in this country as well. "For us," Bakker adds, "this also means that new market participants will only join the supply chain along our growth strategy if there is sufficient demand. And as I said when I presented our concept at BIOFACH, it takes about two years to convert a conventional pig farm to an organic farm.
The same terms and conditions in the supply chain when collaborating with Der Grüne Weg apply for German pig farmers as their Dutch counterparts. For example, instead of the usual weekly price setting, Der Grüne Weg offers a system where the pork price is set quarterly based on market and cost price developments. Furthermore, German farmers profit from a commitment to purchase and an open-ended contract. These conditions given the farmer the necessary planning security and stability to further develop their eco-friendly operations. Another advantage for farmers is that the changeover can take place gradually. This means fewer risks, better planning security and more manageable expenditure", remarks Allard Bakker.
PigUA.info by materials euromeatnews.com