Sri Lanka bans the sale of pork to stop ASF and PRRS spread


Sri Lanka has temporarily prohibited the slaughter, transport, and sale of pigs to prevent disease spread.

Sri Lanka has declared every divisional secretariat as infected or a suspected area for African swine fever (ASF) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). To prevent the spread of these diseases it has prohibited the transport and sale of pigs, pork, and pork products. The slaughter of pigs and artificial breeding procedures in pigs are also banned.

Other prevention measures include prohibiting live animal markets, shows, and competitions involving pigs. Pig carcasses suspected to be contaminated with ASF or PPRS are not to be disposed of in bodies of water or where other animals could consume or move the carcasses.

This Order came into force on October 25 and will be in effect for three months unless earlier revoked or further extended.

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