Live pigs market: the cost-cutting slows


The live pigs’ price decrease slows down little by little. So that, during week 41 the average tick has decreased on 0.37 UAH/kg or 1.26%. And it made 29.46&nb...

The live pigs’ price decrease slows down little by little. So that, during week 41 the average tick has decreased on 0.37 UAH/kg or 1.26%. And it made 29.46 UAH/kg. This week producers expect the price of kilo of pork (live weight basis) to vary within 28-29.5 UAH. That’s why the upper range limit is 0.5 UAH/kg lower than the index of previous week.

The representatives of meat processing also have noted that the price decrease slows its step. Therewith the disparity between purchasing prices of Ist and IInd categories declines as well. The expectations of processors towards the further development of cost situation have notably separated. Some of them forecast that light negative dynamics will be registered hereafter, as the correlation of main market factors that influence the price do not form the suppositions of rise. On the other hand others leave open the possibility of positive price fluctuations, as the decrease was longstanding enough and the price balance-wheel can invert a motion.

Dynamics of live weight purchasing prices weekly, UAH/kg

Source: Analytical department of Association of Pig Breeders of Ukraine

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