Heatwave drives down pork prices in Ukraine


The heat is driving down pork prices: in mid-July, purchase prices for live pork decreased, according to analysts of the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, based on the results of weekly monitoring of purchase prices.

During the auction last Friday, prices for slaughter pigs decreased by 9-12% depending on the region. Thus, according to the monitoring of purchase prices from pig farms and meat processing companies, the vast majority of commercial slaughter pigs were purchased this week at 52 UAH/kg, which corresponds to the weighted average market price, and the price range announced by operators was 50-54 UAH/kg.

The decline in prices was due to prolonged power outages and heat, which meat processors say are "undermining" trade, forcing them to reconsider the volume of live bait purchases. As a result of these factors, sales of chilled pork have fallen by 20-40%, and occasionally even more. However, there are hopes that with lower temperatures and a more significant reduction in supply due to seasonal factors, the situation may at least stabilise.

The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a non-profit, voluntary organization founded by domestic pork producers. The main goals of the association are to represent and protect the rights and interests of the association's farms, promote the development and implementation of new technologies for efficient pork production, expand sales markets, and protect the domestic market.

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