Germany reports two further cases of African swine fever — ISN


In Hesse, there have been two further outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) in domestic pigs, according to a news release from German pig group ISN. This was announced by the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture this afternoon. Affected are two farms with 17 and 170 pigs, which are located in the southern district of Groß-Gerau and thus in the previously existing restriction zone in Hesse.

After African swine fever was detected in July, first in a small farm and then in a pig-keeping farm with 1,100 animals in the district of Groß-Gerau, there have now been two further outbreaks in domestic pigs in Hesse. As the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture announced this afternoon, the ASF was confirmed at two farms in the southern district of Groß-Gerau. The farms are to keep 17 and 170 pigs in their holdings. 

Pig farmers should observe stock and report abnormalities

Against the background of the current ASF situation in Hesse, the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture had called on all pig farms in the region to examine their stocks daily for disease symptoms and to report them immediately to the district's veterinary office. 

In the course of these reports, the two outbreaks were discovered. A dead animal was reported in the smaller population. In the larger company, the owner noticed some conspicuous animals. 

The district veterinary office immediately took samples, which were confirmed as positive by the state laboratory in the evening. Both pig populations must be killed for reasons of disease control.

ASF event focuses on the southern district of Groß-Gerau

The repeated outbreaks in domestic pig herds are strongly concentrated regionally and illustrated the enormously high viral load in the area around the Knoblochsaue and the Kühkopf, according to the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture. 

The high viral load was already predicted by the EU veterinary mission, which got an idea of the crisis work in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate on site about two weeks ago. In order to limit the epidemic, it is very important that the population and agriculture adhere to the current restrictions. 

All pig farms are still urged to comply with the strictest biosecurity measures and to continuously control their stocks.

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