Georgia has the deficiency of pork


Despite the positive dynamics of pork production in Georgia during the last three years, the pig meat market in this country remains scarce. The increasing demand stimulates domestic pr...

Despite the positive dynamics of pork production in Georgia during the last three years, the pig meat market in this country remains scarce. The increasing demand stimulates domestic production, which in 2013 rose by a quarter compared with the previous year. However, the import substitution degree remains quite high: in the past two years, the half of all products on the pork market in Georgia was imported.

Dynamics of pork intake on the market and the share of import

Source: Department of Analytical APPU according to the National Statistics Service of Georgia and

According to the National Statistics Service of Georgia, in the second quarter, the number of pig livestock was one-third less than last year. With this reduction in breeding, one would expect a corresponding decline in domestic production. This deficit will deepen the market, and consequently, the demand for imported pork is still active. Note that during the first eight months of this year, Georgia has imported 7.35 thousand tons of pork.

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