AUPB Veternary School: Pre-Weaning Diseases of Pigs


There are many bacteria and viruses that affect suckling piglets. They cause various clinical signs, including neurological and respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. Usually, we cannot identify the causative agent of the disease based on clinical signs alone.

"If, for example, piglets have diarrhea, you can't determine its cause by the consistency, smell, or color of the feces. It can be coccidia, coli, rotavirus or coronavirus. Additional laboratory tests are required to make a diagnosis. In turn, the diagnosis determines the protocol for treatment and control of the disease on the farm. You will not use antibiotics if it is a viral disease. And if it is a bacterial disease, you need to choose the right antimicrobial drug and determine the dose. If the cause of the disorder is a bacterium, you need to understand what kind of bacterium it is in order to choose the right antimicrobial drug. Thus, determining the correct diagnosis is important to understand how best to treat and control the disease. Antibiotics cannot cure viruses. But bacteria can, and determining which ones will help you and your veterinarian choose the right ones," comments Justin Brown, senior researcher and practicing veterinarian at Iowa State University and the Pork Education Center, a guest speaker at the online school for pig farmers, which was implemented by Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders with the support of the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Details in the video:

The training videos were prepared within the framework of the project "Animals Health in Ukraine", implemented by the Association Ukrainian Pig Breeders with the support of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a non-profit, voluntary organization founded by Ukrainian pork producers. The main purposes of the association are representation and protection of rights and interests of farms of the association, assistance in development and introduction of new technologies for efficient production of pork, expansion of sales markets, and protection of domestic sales market.