AUPB and USDA To Present An Algorithm For Veterinary and Sanitary Examination Laboratory Specialists


Given the significant role of markets in the sale of meat products and the high risks of spreading infections if they are contaminated, it is very important to respond correctly when a disease is suspected during a veterinary examination. This will allow the chain of infection to be broken.

Ukrainian veterinary legislation regulates the following issues. However, there is a need for generalization and practical recommendations for its application. For this purpose, in the framework of the project "Ensuring Animal Health in Ukraine" in cooperation between the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will develop a standard operating procedure, which will contain clear and understandable algorithm of actions for the specialists of veterinary and sanitary expertise laboratories.
A training for the specialists of the competent authority on the application of this algorithm of response in case of suspicion of disease is planned in March. In the future it will be tested on the agrifood markets in at least 5 regions of Ukraine.

The focus will be the areas with the highest number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the concentration of pigs in households.

The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a nonprofit, voluntary organization founded by domestic pork producers. The main purposes of the association are representation and protection of rights and interests of farms of the association, assistance in the development and introduction of new technologies for efficient production of pork, expansion of markets, and protection of domestic sales market.