ASF in Hong Kong: Wild boar carcass tests positive

© Wild boar

A wild boar carcass found in the area around Wong Yue Tan in Tai Po tested positive for African swine fever virus.

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) announced on January 14 that samples taken from a wild boar carcass found in the area around Wong Yue Tan in Tai Po had tested positive for African swine fever (ASF). Sampling for the virus was done following reports of a number of wild boar deaths in the area.

The AFCD will continue to monitor any deaths that warrant attention, and maintain surveillance in the wild boar population. Currently, no pig farms are found affected by this case. There are no pig farms located within three kilometers of Wong Yue Tan. All local pig farmers have been immediately notified about the case and have been advised to enhance farm biosecurity.

Prior cases in Hong Kong:

Hong Kong's first reported case of ASF in wild boar occurred in September 2021 in the Siu Sai Wan area on Hong Kong Island.

In February 2021, domestic pigs tested positive on a farm in Wong Nai Tun, Yuen Long.

In May 2019, an imported pig tested positive at the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse. The pig was from Guangdong, mainland China. by materials