For BIOMIN Ukraine September 2012 has started with the annual 4th International Congress «Profitable pig production» organized by private company Dykun Global Consult and supported by the Association of Pig Producers of Ukraine(APPU) and sponsors of event, BIOMIN Ukraine was above them.
While presenting the BIOMIN Ukraine at the congress the pig breeding specialist Mr. Diego Padoan has stressed the 3 main power points for successful pig breeding:
biosecurity management feed technology and science
By overviewing the main global market tendencies and forecasting its future development Mr. Diego Padoan have suggested the improvements as formula for success: genetic improvements, technology in feeding and management. Due to it the improvements in feeding technology depends on digestibility, formulation, protein, processing, additives and encapsulation. ‘We don’t have to look that far...Solutions are close to you, just choose a right one for your good nights without nightmares about the future’, - has concluded Mr. Padoan at the end of his speech.
About BIOMIN: the company is producing natural animal feed additives and premixes according to own scientific and practical research results. BIOMIN products provide animal health on a high level and optimization of their productivity indicators, as a result — economic benefits for companies clients.
The company is presented in 100 countries all over the world. Has its own research and practice laboratories.