Optimal reproductive performance — Profert


Follicles containing eggs that develop into embryos grow from 1−2 to 3−4 mm at the time of weaning. Four to five days after weaning and before the time of ovulation, the follicles increase from 3−4 to 7−8 mm. The additional supply of nutrients of a certain nutrient composition during this period can support such rapid growth, thus increasing the reproductive capacity of sows.

Profert is designed to stimulate reproductive hormone production and follicle development from weaning to estrus.

On the first day after weaning of piglets: 1 kg per sow into the ceps. Day after weaning and until insemination: 500 g/day/sow, divided into 2 feed intakes.

Shorter interval from weaning to estrus with more intense hunting Fewer sows re-entering the hunt after insemination. Increased number of live-born piglets.

Cargill EN Ltd:

0 800 40 8008

