Italy takes urgent measures to curb the spread of ASF


The Italian Council of Ministers has approved a decree-law with urgent measures to curb the spread of African swine fever in the territory.

The emergency measure was necessary for the eradication of ASF in wild boar and to prevent its spread to domestic pigs.

The text assigns to the Regions the task of drawing up, within thirty days, the Regional Plan of urgent interventions for the management, control, and eradication of ASF in wild boar and domestic pigs.

To ensure the correct and timely implementation of the activities foreseen in the approved plans, an extraordinary commissioner will be appointed to coordinate the veterinary services and to verify the regularity of the slaughter and destruction of infected animals and the disposal of carcasses, as well as the disinfection procedures.

There is also an obligation for those who find wounded or dead wild boar specimens in the framework of the execution of territorial plans or in the exercise of hunting or forestry activities, or cultivation of agricultural land, to immediately communicate the finding to the veterinary service of the relevant local health authorities. by materials