High-efficiency fans — greater energy savings


The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the ventilation system in a livestock house largely depends on the choice of fan. The best solution is high-performance and energy-saving wall-mounted fans.

New generation high efficiency fans

Characterized by a high level of performance provided by the redesigned fan (Figure 1). It allows you to create optimal air movement, and in case of need to close it completely — isolation dampers, automatically controlled by the fan drive, hermetically close it. This minimizes heat loss through the fan and the absence of drafts, because no air enters the room from the street. In addition, this fan is highly resistant to voltage fluctuations. In combination with the dynamic multistage ventilation system it allows for a significant reduction of energy consumption for air extraction from livestock houses. The fan elements are made of thermoplastic and stainless steel, which considerably increases the service life. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the ventilation system in the barn largely depends on the choice of the fan. The best solution is high-efficiency and energy-saving wall fans. This equipment is in the humid aggressive environment of livestock buildings. The direct drive motor with which the fan is equipped reduces the need for additional maintenance and facilitates spare part replacement due to the absence of motor drive belts and blades. The new generation wall fan has a quieter operating noise level and its butterfly-type dampers can be controlled by an emergency opening system in case of power failure. Moreover, the installation of the fan is quite simple and requires minimum costs — it comes preassembled, has standard dimensions (no need for additional repair work) and can be connected to the existing electrical cabling in the room. Thanks to this, a new fan can be installed between batches of animals, which consequently does not affect the production cycle.


Testing the operation of the new generation of fans in a 2,000-head fattening house (Cali, Colombia) equipped with tunnel-type ventilation showed that they were significantly more energy efficient (Table 1) — consuming 64% less electricity than conventional fans (33.0 vs 1 4 kWh/year). Since the energy costs were as low as € 0.10/kWh, this resulted in annual savings of € 6,640 (figure 2). Because of this, the average pay-back period for such a fan is 19 months. Thus, the new generation fan provides minimum power consumption (annual savings can be up to 70%), high stability of operation when pressure changes, and due to high resistance of materials and design has a long service life and is easy to maintain and install.

AgroKlimat Ukraine LLC:

2 660 Kiev, Ukraine; str. Eugene Sverstyuk, 19, office 914

+38 067 386 26 91, +38 829 52 62, +38 067 537 36 67


