Europe: Veterinary drug sales grew in 2021


In 2021, total sales of animal drugs in Europe reached €7.4 billion.

According to data from Animal Health Europe's latest annual report, in 2021 total sales of animal medicines in Europe reached €7.4 billion (+8.82% compared to 2020, at €6.8 billion).

By product category, 32.6% of sales were vaccines, 28.7% parasiticides, 11.9% antimicrobials, and 26.8% "other". Vaccine sales declined slightly, but remain ahead of parasiticides, which saw slight growth in sales. Likewise, sales of antimicrobials continued their downward trend.

With respect to sales by species, pets accounted for 42.4%, while livestock (cattle, swine, and small ruminants) accounted for 29.7%. They were followed by poultry (10.9%), horses (2.8%), aquaculture (1.8%), and "other" (12.1%).

The organization represents 12 major European animal drug manufacturers and 16 national associations in 19 countries. Its report accounts for about 100 million cattle, 100 million pigs, 400 million laying hens, 100 million sheep, 100 million domestic cats, and 85 million dogs. The number of veterinary professionals in Europe is estimated at just over 309,000. by materials