Average prices across key producing countries for the most recent four-week period have all declined, with the exception of the UK, which has held over the period. The largest declines have been seen across Germany and Poland, down 12.72p/kg and 11.08p/kg respectively. Denmark saw the smallest decline, with prices dipping only 1.68p/kg. Continental prices remained at a discount to the UK price through the four weeks, although movements in sterling continue to affect EU prices. In the week to the 13 November, the discount ranged between 23p/kg and 51p/kg.
In the latest week (week ending13 November), prices have seen slight increases across key markets with the exception of France, which has seen a 3.62p decrease. Across the EU 27 average, there has been a 1.36p/kg uplift in price, with Poland seeing the biggest prices increase on the week, up 3.36p/kg.
PigUA.info by materials euromeatnews.com