Wallets are safe: pork for Easter has not risen in price


This year's Easter passed without record prices for pork in retail, according to analysts of the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, citing the results of monthly monitoring of prices on the shelves of national retail chains.

At the end of the pre-Easter week, the average price of a kilogram of chilled pork was 194.4 UAH/kg, which is less than half a percent higher than the same period last year.

"A more noticeable price deviation was observed for premium and seasonal parts. For example, steak and tenderloin were 9% and 12% more expensive, respectively, than on the eve of the holiday in 2023, and the neck was 11% more expensive. On the other hand, thigh, shoulder, and brisket were significantly cheaper: the first two items by 11%, and the last by 9%. This balanced the average retail price of pork on the eve of the holiday weekend. Such a price discrepancy is due to both seasonally higher demand for picnic semi-finished products and a smaller share of such items from the carcass as opposed to the other cuts mentioned," the AUPB reports.

The analysts of the industry association state that other types of meat, on the contrary, have slightly risen in price both compared to the pre-holiday week and on average for April:

"Chicken and turkey before Easter were 6% and 5% more expensive than last year, and the average April price for these types of meat increased by 1.1% and 0.6%, respectively, compared to March. Beef prices rose most noticeably: by more than a third compared to last April and by almost 4% compared to the first month of spring."

At the same time, the "restraint" of pork prices facilitates its sale at the height of the picnic season: 

"As prices remain the most important factor of choice for most consumers, sales of pork in physical terms are 'winning'." Representatives of the major national retail chains state that this year it is gradually "winning back" the positions lost last year in the structure of the Ukrainian diet. This is facilitated by a decrease in the price difference between pork parts and the main competing type of meat - chicken," the Association comments.