According to USDA's updated projections, Ukraine's wheat production and export figures will increase by 0.5 million tons to 21 million tons and 13 million tons, respectively, in 2022/23 MY. As for corn, production volumes remain the same and exports will increase by 3 million tons to 20.5 million tons.
The global wheat market outlook for 2022/23 assumes an increase in supplies, exports, consumption and stocks.
Global wheat production increased by 0.7 million tonnes to 781.3 million tonnes due to increases by Ukraine (+0.5 million tonnes to 21 million tonnes) and EU countries (+0.4 million tonnes to 134.7 million tonnes ) with a simultaneous decrease by China (-0.2 million tonnes to 137.7 million tonnes).
World wheat trade for 2022/23 MY is projected to increase by 0.8 MMT to 211.6 MMT. Increases in export volumes for the EU (+0.5 MMT to 36.5 MMT) and Ukraine (+0.5 MMT to 13.0 MMT) more than offset declines for India (-0.4 MMT 5.9 MMT).
Projected global ending stocks for 2022/23 MY will increase by 1.1 mln t to 268.4 mln t. At the same time, the increase for the EU, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and India more than compensates for the fall in Saudi Arabia and Iran.
As for corn, the opposite trend and a decline in all indicators is expected.
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