The Netherlands: Fine for mixing pigs in slaughterhouse


Enforcement action against slaughterhouses that mix groups of pigs upon arrival at the slaughterhouse will be taken starting August 15.

The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) considers all pigs in one compartment of the livestock truck during transport as a group. Pigs from other groups may not be added. In the event of violations, a report of findings will be written and a fine of 2,500 euros will be imposed.

In 2022, the NVWA received an enforcement request stating that mixing groups of pigs upon arrival at slaughterhouses results in an avoidable form of pain, stress, or suffering.

The NVWA has considered mixing pigs in the waiting areas of the slaughterhouse to be a violation since 2023, but has not yet enforced it. Slaughterhouses have been given time to prepare for the ban.

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