Price fluctuations in the pork market: impact of summer changes on purchase prices


At the end of the summer, quotations on the slaughter pig live market experienced a slight negative fluctuation, according to analysts of the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, based on the results of the weekly monitoring of purchase prices by the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders.

According to the results of the penultimate auction of this summer, the purchase price of slaughter pigs was adjusted by 1.5-2%. Thus, although in most cases the working price per kilogram of live weight pork tends to be 57 UAH/kg, there are offers in the range of 55-58+ UAH/kg, and the price minimum is most often found in the East of the country. The average purchase price was 57.1 UAH/kg, which is 1 UAH/kg or 1.9% lower than the previous week.

In response to the slight change in purchase prices, quotations for chilled pork halves mostly reacted by lowering the minimum price corridors, while the maximum remained unchanged. As for the expectations of price dynamics next week, most meat processing representatives are not in a hurry to make forecasts. Instead, some of them report complications in meat sales due to power outages: retailers are reducing orders or postponing shipments, and a number of slaughterhouses are forced to make appropriate changes to their slaughter schedules and live supply. However, evidence from other processors indicates that this situation is not widespread, as most meat market operators (both on the processing and end-of-line sides) are already prepared for such challenges and have adapted to work in force majeure conditions.

The results of the weekly monitoring of purchase prices from processors can be found in this section.

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