Pork retail prices: September results


Pork on the shelves of supermarkets rose in September by 15%, analysts said the Association Ukranian Pig Breeders according to their own monitoring of retail prices.

By the end of September the average retail price per kilogram of chilled pork was 176,5 UAH/kg, which is 15% or 23,4 UAH/kg more than a month earlier. At the same time at the end of the first month of autumn the price per kilogram exceeded the average monthly mark by 10 UAH: «If in early September a kilogram of pork cost 168.9 UAH/kg on average, then in four weeks the price increased to 186.7 UAH/kg. A significant reason for such price increase was a long-term positive dynamics of purchasing prices for pigs of slaughter conditions due to the limited domestic supply of pork and active demand for it over the past two months. For example, if in August the average price of live pigs was 64,2 UAH/kg, in September it rose to almost 70 UAH/kg».

«The most noticeable in monetary terms rose the price of the pork neck — by 33.8 UAH / kg or 19% to 211.3 UAH / kg. Chilled loins and loins rose in price by 21.5 UAH / kg compared to the average price of the previous month (11.5 and 13% respectively), so the price of the first also crossed the mark of 200 UAH / kg back in September. At the same time the price increase for more „budget“ femur and shoulder blade in September exceeded 20%, and the average price of these parts was 165.3 UAH/kg (+21%) and 163 UAH/kg (+23.8%),» say Association's analysts.

Other types of meat in September also slightly increased in price, the experts add: «The retail price of beef and turkey increased by 6% (18.5 and 9.3 UAH / kg, respectively), and the chicken rose in average by 2% (2 UAH / kg to 114.8 UAH / kg).

Average chilled pork retail prices for September 2022 and their change against the average price in August
Source: Analytical Department of AUPB based on data from own monitoring of retail chains

The Association Ukranian Pig Breeders is a nonprofit, voluntary organization founded by domestic pork producers. The main objectives of the association are representation and protection of rights and interests of farms of the association, assistance in the development and introduction of new technologies for efficient production of pork, expansion of markets, protection of domestic sales market.