In recent months, Globino has been subject to an information campaign aimed at discrediting the company. Some media outlets have published false information about the purchase of Russian products and searches at the company's facilities. These accusations have already been conclusively refuted by Globino Group representatives.
However, the perpetrators of the attack have moved on to more aggressive actions. In particular, unknown persons placed stickers on Globino's products in supermarkets calling for a boycott, accusing the company of allegedly ‘sponsoring the war’. These actions not only damage the reputation of the manufacturer, but also constitute a crime under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which deals with intentional damage to property.
The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders called on law enforcement agencies to promptly identify the customers and perpetrators of these actions and provide a legal assessment. It also appealed to printing and media companies and individuals not to become accomplices in crimes against Ukrainian business.
Globino Group is one of the largest food producers in Ukraine, a member of the White Business Club and a significant taxpayer. The company has been actively supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the victims of Russian aggression since the first days of the war.
The attack on transparent business, which plays a key role in ensuring the country's food security, sets a dangerous precedent for the entire Ukrainian market. The AUPB calls on all market participants to join forces to protect legal producers and the stability of Ukraine's economy.
The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a non-profit, voluntary organisation founded by domestic pork producers. The main goals of the association are to represent and protect the rights and interests of the association's farms, promote the development and implementation of new technologies for efficient pork production, expand sales markets, and protect the domestic market.