Autumn brings decline in pork prices


Autumn began with the beginning of a downward movement of prices in the slaughter pig market, according to the results of the weekly monitoring of purchase prices by the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders.

During last week's auction, purchase prices did not hold at the achieved level, so in early autumn, quotations “sank” by 2.5-5 UAH/kg compared to the end of summer. In most cases, purchase prices for conditioned pork ranged from 52-55 UAH/kg, and regional price differences became more pronounced. The aforementioned lower price limit was “working” for the East, while other parts of the country recorded higher prices. The weighted average market price settled at 52.9 UAH/kg, down 7.3% from last week.

Among the main factors that are currently putting pressure on harvesting prices, market operators say there is a regional imbalance in supply and demand, which triggers a chain reaction in other regions, as well as a significant slowdown in sales due to power outages. However, representatives of the meat processing industry note that for some of them the negative price dynamics last week came as a surprise. Given the market uncertainty, most procurers are not currently setting price expectations. At the same time, some still share their views on the possible stabilization of prices at the current level (as further price reductions do not encourage more active trading) or their slight positive correction.

The results of the weekly monitoring of purchase prices from processors can be found in this section.

The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a non-profit, voluntary organisation founded by domestic pork producers. The main goals of the association are to represent and protect the rights and interests of the association's farms, promote the development and implementation of new technologies for efficient pork production, expand sales markets, and protect the domestic market.

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