AUPB and USDA “Keeping Animals Healthy in Ukraine” project: 18 out of 20 biosafety audits completed


Within the framework of the project “Keeping Animals Healthy in Ukraine”, the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders, with the support of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has successfully completed 18 out of 20 planned biosafety audits at Ukrainian pig farms.

The aim of the project is to improve biosecurity and protect farms from the spread of diseases, including African swine fever (ASF). The audits are aimed at implementing modern animal husbandry practices that reduce the risk of infection.

Project experts provide recommendations for improving animal husbandry conditions, controlling the movement of personnel and vehicles on farms, which significantly reduces the risk of infection.

In general, the project's efforts are aimed at improving the overall resilience of the industry in times of war and “aggravation” of the ASF epizootic situation. The remaining audits are scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.

The Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders is a non-profit, voluntary organisation founded by domestic pork producers. The main goals of the association are to represent and protect the rights and interests of the association's farms, promote the development and implementation of new technologies for efficient pork production, expand sales markets, and protect the domestic market.

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