ASF Italy: First Outbreak in Lombardy


Baden-Württemberg has experienced a sharp decrease in the number of piglets.

According to preliminary data from the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office, as of May 3, 2023, the pig inventory numbered 1.27 million head. Compared to the same month of the previous year, the inventory was down by 82,000 pigs (-6%). The number of pig farms has also decreased considerably, with some 1,550 farms (-190 farms).

The number of piglets (435,000) and young pigs (205,000) was at a particularly low level in May. While the young pig herd was down 3% from the previous year, the piglet herd fell by 15%. Ten years ago, there were about 300,000 more piglets.

This development is directly related to the more than 40% decrease in the breeding sow herd during this period. In May 2023, 104,000 breeding sows were registered, a 7% decrease compared to the previous year. Currently, only about 630 farms have breeding sows, down 11% from the previous year.

In finishing pig production, the May 2022 level was reached with a herd of 527,000 animals (+1%). While the lower weight classes up to 110 kg saw little change, the stock of heavy finishing pigs over 110 kg increased significantly (+6%). by materials